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Katrin Bulach Charlton, founder of KBC Coaching and Consulting, transitioned from a successful career in finance and investment management, focusing on business development and fundraising, to the world of coaching. Her lifelong passion for entrepreneurship, a trait she inherited from her entrepreneurial parents, has been a key driver for her successful transition to starting her own business.

She understands the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and executive leaders and is committed to helping her clients accelerate in their personal and professional lives and to deliver the impact they want to deliver with more ease and fun. 

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Reading a Book


  • Diploma in Professional Coaching (ICF)

  • Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching Certification

  • Neurotransformational Coach Certificate (CNTC), ICF

  • Team Coaching Certificate, ICF

  • ACE Certified Coach, Leadership and Executive Coaching

  • Career Coaching Certifcate (ICC, ICF)

  • Wellness Coaching Certificate

  • Strengthscope® Accredited Practitioner

  • Licensed Motivational Map Practitioner

  • Hogan Assessment Practitioner

  • PrinciplesYou Assessment Certification

Online Class


  • MSc in International Business Administration

  • Mindfulness & Meditation teacher training, School of Positive Transformation

  • Swim Teacher


  • Katrin lives with her husband, two children and bunnies in West Sussex, Uk.

  • She was born in Germany and lived in 3 different countries before settling in the UK.

  • She met her husband on a plane, together they travelled around the world.

  • She loves languages and speaks German, English, French and Spanish.

  • Her core values are freedom, courage, curiosity, kindness and are her compass in life.

  • Personal development, learning, and the courage to follow her heart have always been crucial to her.

  • Her aim is to continuously grow, seek adventure, and challenge herself, setting an example for the people she works with, her boys, and everyone around her.

  • She strongly believes that change and transformation are opportunities to learn and grow.

  • She is very invested in health and wellbeing. She loves to cycle, spend time outdoors and is a passionate swimmer.

  • She is also a qualified swim teacher and meditation teacher. Meditation is part of her daily routine. 

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" I aspire to inspire my children, clients, and those around me to step beyond their comfort zones, embracing fresh perspectives and start pursuing their dreams."

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